Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mentoring Makes A Difference (September 2009)

A little over two years ago, we recognized that our contracting world was changing. As a company we began to examine how to adjust to meet the continuing demands of the contracting business and maintain a unique edge against our competitors.

The change was not so much how to accomplish our contracting mission, as the Statement of Work for our contracts is fairly explicit on what we are required to accomplish within a specific period of time, but rather how to maximize our focus on an important shift of emphasis from “contractor performance” to “client results.” Our challenge was to determine the best way to adapt our training practices to the newest demands for quantifiable client progress.

We didn’t have to go back too far to realize that we had the method of change in our hands by focusing on what we do best – providing a superior service with quantifiable results – Mentoring, in short!

We adjusted our standard operation procedure and training philosophy from just accomplishing the task at hand to literally changing the behavior of our clients and customers so that they became more productive in what they were required to accomplish. We now ensure that the client has started along the road to their own long-term organizational capacity and individual functional capability building.

From positive reports and accomplishments in the field, we have validated that mentoring has proven to be most effective way to initiate change in an organization or an individual.

By combining keen insights, based on years of experience, and teaching universal concepts and principles as viable alternatives to current practices, that did not violate our clients’ customs or traditions, we have been able to engage the client in quantifiable and effective change processes that enhance their skills and capabilities.

Over the past 21 months, we have seen a remarkable increase in productivity and success with our clients. In January 2008, we conducted our initial baseline survey of Mentoring practices and found that our contractors were spending 65-70% of their time actually doing the work that would normally be done by the client in their daily operations.

By reducing the amount of work we “did” for the client, we began to establish opportunities for the client to “do” their own work and take ownership of both the work and the results. This has developed not only better skills in our client, but also the confidence in their personal and professional success, often preventing a return to the status quo of previous ways of doing business.

Today we spend less than 35% of our time doing the work of the client. That’s a 30%+ increase in practical Mentoring applications that benefit both the client and the contract.

How did this happen? We didn’t really do anything new, as the principles of mentoring are basic problem solving techniques. By creating and developing a unique Mentoring Program, that fits the needs of our clients using specific principles and practices, we focus on enhancing our professional skills and techniques with our clients and customers. The results being that we have created more effective partnerships that focus on the teamwork approach to identifying challenges and developing appropriate solutions.

We appreciate the support our more than 1,000 Mentors have given this program and all of the hard work that is the extra mile in our success. You have made a difference and Mentoring is the difference!

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