Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Developing Mentor Credibility (May 2008)

In a recent Mentoring workshop, we discussed the importance of establishing our personal credibility with the client or customer. Establishing credibility is the most important step a mentor can take in the mentoring process. Without credibility with the client, little can be accomplished. So, how do we establish credibility?

Each of our mentors has a wide band of experience and expertise in their functional area. This experience has been gained over many years of working within the functional area, increasing both personal and professional knowledge, and sharing that information with others.

As contractors, we have been asked to perform tasks under the terms of a contract. This establishes for us both the expectations of the customer and the client. Once the contract has been explained to the contractor, usually by the Program Manager, there should be little misunderstanding of what is expected and required.

The contractor then establishes a level of expertise that is brought to the contract. Usually this done by developing a professional relationship with the client and working with the client to determine the client’s needs and current capabilities.

In the contract arena, it is very important to ensure that our mentors are seen as an added value to the contract, by providing expertise, advice, counsel and support to the client.

By establishing a professional relationship where the client is able to see that our mentors are on the ground to “help” them accomplish their responsibilities, they will be more likely to listen to new ideas, consider and adapt those ideas and promote the changes that will increase their own professional capability.

Credible mentoring is developing a trust with the client or customer. This trust is created through open, honest communication and providing options rather than solutions. Helping the client find the solutions to the challenges they face helps their professional development, as well as establishing long-term progress within the nature of their culture, traditions and organization.

Credibility is based on mutual communication, trust and professionalism. How’s your credibility today?


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